You are currently browsing the daily archive for Mar 6, 2009.

With the election approximately 1 month away, there has been another spike in traffic here at Carpentersville Action Network. I want to thank those who emailed information, but especially those who wrote to express their appreciation for this blog.  I enjoy writing this blog — although don’t have as much time as I used to since the economy tanked — but I also do it as a service to the community.

So thank you so much for reading and supporting Carpentersville Action Network.

To keep you informed I figured I’d let you know what your neighbors and those in and around town were most interested in reading about this week:

  1. Respect?
  2. Group gets a failing grade
  3. “Cares” team has history of broken promises
  4. Sigwalt gives minions her public endorsement
  5. Illinois AG’s office offers “cautionary note”
  6. Trustees ignore law, Village attorney
  7. Ritter for President?
  8. Stop Trustee’s Tyranny
  9. Ramirez-Sliwinski back on the ballot
  10. The Murder of Carpentersville

There was also a large number of views of the file document showing 4 members of the Audit & Finance Committee leading and participating at a Fox Valley Citizens for Legal Immigration meeting.  This FVCLI agenda is evidence of a violation of the Illinois Open Meetings Act that may yet be prosecuted.

For next week, email me any requests you have for topics you’d like to read more about, or that you want your friends and neighbors to know more about.

Have a great weekend!

Interesting Reading

Contact the Network

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Send an email!

Post Calendar

March 2009